Thursday, October 8, 2009

Unit2:In the public eye

  1. Napaleon Bonaparte is famoous for losing a battle.
  2. Paul Gauguin is famous for painting pictures.
  3. Bjorn Borg is famous for winning tennis matches.
  4. Eddie Murphy is famous for starring in films.
  5. Niccolo Paganini is famous for pplaing the voilen.
  1. Barat Pitt is famous for starring in films.
  2. Maikel jaicson is famous for singging a song.
  3. Deived Beikem is famous for playing a soccer.
  1. In her eveery day life,Daryl Hannah a.successful and selfish.
  2. One of Daryl's outstanding characteristist in that she d.get's others into trouble.
  3. In her free time Darul enjoys a.doing creative activities.
  4. Daryl wannts to build her own home because she b.cares about the enviroment.
  5. The whole article tells us that Daryl Hannah c.does not have strong opinions .
  • Daryl Hannah acted splash and Roxanne and Blade Runner
  • she has strong feeling about true love.
  • She prefer to wear fantastic and expensive clothes.
  • She has strongs views on the evilonment .She says that she feels most relaxed when she is close the nature.
  • slender-slim
  • overcome-get over
  • reveal-show
  • beliefs-ideas
  • currently-now
  • find out-discover
  1. the golden sand
  2. to fall love with sb
  3. in the public eye
  4. true love
  5. natural beauty
  6. to sit in the shadow
  7. strong veiws
  8. to speak her mind
  1. She looks fantastic in expensive clothes.
  2. she is currently looking for a for place in the countryside.
  3. She is also romantic who believes in true love.
  1. I don't remember her phone number let me look it up.
  2. Julie look after our children while we're at work.
  3. Jane is reall looking forward to her sister's wedding.
  4. Helen is looking for a new house.
  1. Swirtzerland is popular with skiers.
  2. Carl lewis is famous for winning four gold medals in the 1988 Olympic games.
  3. I wait for to get a letter from John tomorrow.
  4. please expect me ;Iam almost ready.
  1. Daryl is not the sort of person who expects help withouy giving anything back.
  2. She prefer casual clothes that show off her natural beauty.
  3. She is a complicated person whose charactre has many sides.
  1. Ms Brown is a friendly person who likes meeting new people.
  2. She ltves in a big house which is near the park.
  3. Steven is a lawyer whose office is in Baker streat.
  4. Claire is who has been in manny fashion show.
  5. Sarh is wearing a nice dress which fits her perfectly.
  1. That's the man who's sally's friend.
  2. That's the man whose whose son is my friend.
  3. That's the man who's got an Alsation god.
  4. That's the man whose dog keeps barking at night.
  • shark-A shark is a fish which eats meat.
  • constroctoin-Constroctoin worker is someone who builds house.
  • nurse-A nurse is a someone who take cares everybody.
  • camera-It's a equipment which takes our photo.
  • washing machine-A washing machine is a machine which washes clothes.
  • waiter-A waiter is a someone who sets the table
  • Daryl usually plays the piano or makes pottery in her free time.
  • Daryl sometimes travel by plane.
  • Daryl rarely go to parties.
  • Daryl always get up early.
  • Daryl never eat fattening food .
  1. I always get up at 7:00.
  2. Iusually have breakfast at 7:40.
  3. I sometimes go to school at 11:20.
  4. I hardly ever go to cinema .
  5. I never eat onoins.

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